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"What Is So Wrong with Counting Calories?"


Maybe you’ve heard me mention a time or two that I do not recommend counting calories (I’m talkin to you MyFitnessPal).

But… if you're anything like me, I want supportive facts and reasoning as to why I am going (or not going) to do something. So get comfy, grab a snack (don’t log it into MyFitnessPal😉) and put on your reading glasses. We’re about to expose calorie counting for what it truly is.

Aren’t We Already Wishing For More TIME In A Day?

Calorie Counting Ain’t Given’ Us Any Extra Time, It’s Stealing It!

I have a feeling we can all relate to wishing there were more hours in a day to do ALL the things. So firstly, think of all the wasted time spent logging calories into an app. That is LITERALLY valuable time you could be spending elsewhere. I can personally confirm how much time I wasted in tracking calories. In college, I would log calories (hiding under the table of course) AS IF that was important in that moment. Man, if I could go back & tell my 18 year old self… 🤯

You may be thinking, so what? I’m not harming anyone else’s time. Think about all the things you enjoy; talking with friends & family, calling a loved one, engaging in conversations, going for a walk (without looking down at your phone), etc.

Calorie counting is not worth any precious time in your life. Looking up foods and portion sizes for a gosh-darn onion, smoothie or whatever it may be... is NOT more valuable than calling up your best friend and catching up for a few minutes.

Your Body’s Nutritional Needs Change Daily

Next, calorie counting ignores genetics and physiology. Your nutritional needs ebb and flow. By this, I mean each day is different whether you realize it or not, your body is going through a lot of physiological processes so you can function properly. Each day your body is doing different work, therefore, it makes sense that some days you are more or less hungry than others and will require more or less food. This applies especially for us women when menstruating. Your body is working hard during this time which explains why your hunger and fullness levels change throughout your cycle.

Moral of the story, there is no blueprint or timestamps for when your body is working. It knows when and what it’s doing for you to live and has got ya covered! Ignoring physical and mental hunger and instead listening to a silly calorie tracking app is not helpful and doesn't know your needs. Learning how to trust your body's cues is going to be key in your journey towards intuitive eating!

Food is Just Food, Not a Number

The more we focus on food being a "number" and not seeing it for what it is (that's energy!), the more we place moral value on it. Placing moral value on foods can look like labeling them as “good” or “bad” and “healthy” or “unhealthy” based on calorie content.

Low calorie options are typically encouraged in diet culture. However, when you choose a food solely based on it being the lower-calorie option, it is normal to then eat past fullness and feel uncomfortable. This happens because that low-calorie item was probably not the food you truly wanted, therefore, it doesn’t taste or feel satisfying to you. However, if you chose the more satisfying option (that you truly wanted) and focused on the joyful experience and stayed mindful, you eventually find that sweet spot in finishing a meal at a comfortable fullness level (hunger & fullness blog coming soon).

Side note, not that eating less calories is the goal, but with choosing the more satisfying option, you may surprise yourself and end up eating less calories compared to eating the low-calorie option. This is because people often find they are satisfied sooner in their meal, compared to if they went with the low-calorie option and ate past fullness due to un-satisfaction.

Remember, placing moral value on foods based on calories only makes you want the "bad” or “too high in calories" foods even more. Have you ever gone over your ‘allotted number’ that MyFitnessPal told you to eat in a day? Then you enter that “screw it" mentality and think to yourself, "I already ate X amount of calories so I might as well just eat everything now since I already messed up. I'll start over tomorrow” and proceed to eating past fullness feeling like a failure and uncomfortably full? Me too, too many dangin' times. 🤦

Key Takeaways

This isn’t to say I don’t care about your health or that you should go eat unlimited cookies, donuts and cake. That probably wouldn’t feel good! However, that is the point with intuitive eating; finding what DOES feel good for you and allowing that to ebb and flow, day to day.

While yes you have permission to eat all foods, learning which foods, how much and when they feel good to you is the ultimate goal. YOU know you, not a nutrition label, a calorie tracking app or Apple Watch.

There is a healthy, more efficient, less stressful and enjoyable way to go about your health that doesn’t include obsessing over calories day and feeling insecure in your body.

Let's get you feeling confident in YOUR food choices and appreciative towards your body (even if that feels impossible right now, I promise it IS possible).

This guide has basic steps I teach, so you can start pursing food freedom journey right away (without having to pay a penny)!

You deserve this, gorgeous! ♥️



Again, don't forget to snag this freebie, who doesn't love free stuff, ammiright?!



©2022 by Ashlyn Taylor, RD. Proudly created with

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